Annuus Seed : History

An ornamental plant with therapeutic properties! Native to North America, Sunflower has been used by indigenous people since as early as 3000 BCE.

Did you know?

They were brought back to Russia by the royalty. Tsar Peter the Great was so fascinated by the sunny flowers he saw in the Netherlands that he took some back to Russia.

What’s inside?

These seeds are loaded with vitamins like Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Folate, Choline, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin E.0

Keep the skin glowing!

The presence of Oleic and linoleic acids in Annuus seeds helps in the formation of collagen and elastin, thus helping the skin glow!

Bid adieu to inflammation!

Annuus seeds contain anti-inflammatory properties such as flavonoids, Vitamin E and other compounds, which help in reducing the inflammation.

Make hydration your best friend!

Being very high in vitamin E, it acts as an emollient which helps trap the moisture and keeps the skin well hydrated.

Avail the benefits of this ingredient and nourish, cherish and hydrate your skin with Uniqaya’s Ultra Hydrating Skin Balancing Moisturiser.