Hydromanil : History

A compound that works like magic. Hydromanil is an ingredient derived from the tara seed and is a species of wild Peruvian plant originating from dry climates of Andes sandy soil.

Did you know?

Hydromanil captures, retains and assimilates water into the skin, thus providing immediate and long-lasting hydration.

What’s inside?

Hydromanil is the perfect natural active compound which helps protect the skin from dehydration and external factors because of its 3D matrix structure. The seeds contain 30% of the nourishing reserve for the initial stadium of plantule’s development.

Let an immediate moisturizing action begin:

Hydromanil helps ensure finer and smoother skin because it provides an optimal level of moisture to the skin.

Say hello to long lasting moisturization

Even as less as 10% hydromanil can help your skin be endowed with optimum moisture for long.

Welcome an enhanced skin appearance

The presence of hydromanil in a cosmetic or skincare product leads to an enhancement in one’s skin in terms of appearance and flexibility.

Incorporate hydromanil enriched UniQaya’s Skin Balancing Moisturiser.