Skincare made easy with kiwi:

Kiwi: The kiwifruit originated from China and was originally called the ‘Chinese Gooseberry'.

What’s inside?

Kiwis are packed with plenty of vitamins, minerals and powerful plant compounds. They are highly rich in vitamin-C.

Did you know?

Per 100 grams contain 154 percent of Vitamin C, which is almost twice that of lemons and oranges.

Effective in reversing sun damage

Kiwis are loaded with vitamins which act as antioxidants to repair the skin tone and reverse the effects of UV rays.

Acts as a nourishing moisturizer

Enriched with vitamin E, kiwis help in moisturizing and hydrating your face naturally. The omega 3 fatty acids in it also make the skin look plump.

It helps in combating acne

Thanks to kiwi’s antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, it helps in combating acne and preventing future breakouts.

It fades away hyperpigmentation

Owing to its exfoliating properties, kiwi helps in the fading away of dark spots, blemishes, and hyperpigmentation.

Make your skin plump with kiwi!

Skin Restoring Night Repair Cream with Mulberry & Kiwi extract.